크레딧 출연 Jonathan Goad King Henry VIII Rod Beattie Cardinal Wolsey Scott Wentworth Duke of Norfolk Wayne Best Duke of Suffolk Tim Campbell Duke of Buckingham Stephen Russell Lord Chamberlain Brad Hodder First Gentleman / Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury Roy Lewis Sandys / Lord Chancellor Qasim Khan Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester John Dolan Sir Thomas Cromwell / Bishop of Lincoln Jake Runeckles Earl of Surrey Rylan Wilkie Sir Thomas Lovell Ron Kennell Second Gentleman / Cardinal Campeius Shelly Antony Surveyor / Griffith / Dr. Butts Andrew Iles Sir Henry Guildford Jordin Hall Sergeant Danny Ghantous Guard Irene Poole Queen Katherine Alexandra Lainfiesta Anne Boleyn Kim Horsman Duchess of Norfolk Jacklyn Francis Patience Maria / Marchioness of Dorset Oksana Sirju Jane Seymour 스텝 Martha Henry Directing 윌리엄 셰익스피어 Writing