크레딧 출연 드웨인 존슨 The Rock Paul Lévesque Triple H Mick Foley Cactus Jack Paul Wight The Big Show Chris Irvine Chris Jericho Chyna Chyna Robert Howard Hardcore Holly Monty Sopp Billy Gunn Brian James The Road Dogg John Layfield Bradshaw Ron Simmons Faarooq Matthew Hardy Matt Hardy Jeff Hardy Jeff Hardy Mark LoMonaco Buh Buh Ray Dudley Devon Hughes D-Von Dudley Peter Senerchia Tazz Kurt Angle Kurt Angle Accie Julius Connor D-Lo Brown Brian Lawler Grandmaster Sexay Charles Warrington Mosh Jason Reso Christian Solofa Fatu Jr. Rikishi Scott Garland Scotty 2 Hotty Steve Blackman Steve Blackman Nelson Frazier Jr. Viscera Ray Traylor The Big Bossman Andrew Martin Test David Smith The British Bulldog David Heath Gangrel Adam Copeland Edge Bob Backlund Mr. Bob Backlund Mike Lockwood Crash Holly Allen Sarven Al Snow Sean Morley Val Venis Matt Bloom Prince Albert Glenn Jacobs Kane Charles Wright The Godfather Sean Waltman X-Pac Johnnie Mae Young Mae Young Jacqueline Moore Jacqueline Lisa Moretti Ivory Trudy Vachon Luna Vachon Stacy Carter The Kat Terri Runnels Terri Runnels 스텝 Kevin Dunn Directing