영화정보 개봉일 1977-07-08 상태 Released 장르 다큐멘터리, 역사 자막 영어, 한글 줄거리 속임수, 심리 분석, 이미지 형성에 타고난 재능을 보였던 아돌프 히틀러가 비천한 신분을 극복하고 세계 정복을 꿈꾸기까지의 과정을 탐구한 다큐멘터리.
크레딧 출연 Gert Westphal Narrator (voice) 아돌프 히틀러 Self (archive footage) Ernest Bevin Self (archive footage) Karl Brandt Self (archive footage) 에바 브라운 Self (archive footage) 네빌 체임벌린 Self (archive footage) 찰리 채플린 Self (archive footage) 윈스턴 처칠 Self (archive footage) Édouard Daladier Self (archive footage) Karl Dönitz Self (archive footage) 알베르트 아인슈타인 Self (archive footage) 프란츠 요제프 1세 Self (archive footage) Otto Gebühr Frederick the Great (archive footage) 요제프 괴벨스 Self (archive footage) 헤르만 괴링 Self (archive footage) Rudolf Hess Self (archive footage) Reinhard Heydrich Self (archive footage) Heinrich Himmler Self (archive footage) Alfred Jodl Self (archive footage) Wilhelm Keitel Self (archive footage) King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy Self (archive footage) Fritz Kortner Self (archive footage) 에른스트 루비치 Self (archive footage) Thomas Mann Self (archive footage) Theodor Morell Self (archive footage) 베니토 무솔리니 Self (archive footage) Friedrich Paulus Self (archive footage) Max Reinhardt Self (archive footage) Erwin Rommel Self (archive footage) Ernst Röhm Self (archive footage) Albert Speer Self (archive footage) Richard Tauber Self (archive footage) Joachim von Ribbentrop Self (archive footage) Harry Giese Narrator (voice) (archive sound) (uncredited) 스텝 Joachim Fest Directing Christian Herrendoerfer Directing Joachim Fest Writing Werner Rieb Production Fritz Schwaiger Editing Willi Schwadorf Sound Hans Posegga Sound