크레딧 출연 Loni Sanders Beauty Mara Laurien Dominique Faith Mara Nicole Black Hope Mara Mai Lin Madam Wu Vanessa del Rio Judy Lopez Kathy Harcourt A Would-Be Centerfold Patty Boyd Martin Gross' Maid - A Slut Veronica Hart Betty Jamie Gillis Martin Gross Michael Morrison Barry Blair Harris Madam Wu's Butler George Payne Leon - The Trainer Herschel Savage The Mara Butler Matilda O'Hennesy Ann Paul Thomas A Dinner Guest Ron Hudd Eddie - The Coach Bill McKean Bill - The Locker Room Boy Sara Wilson Sarah Mary Chats-worth Marjorie Jason DeWitt Benjamin Mara Gordon G. Duvall First Card Player Frederick Foster Second Card Player 스텝 Shaun Costello Directing Maria Rinaldi Art Shaun Costello Writing Renata Rinaldi Costume & Make-Up Shaun Costello Production Shaun Costello Art