크레딧 출연 Mike Shara Berowne Juan Chioran Don Adriano de Armado Sanjay Talwar King Ferdinand of Navarre Andrew Robinson Longaville Thomas Olajide Dumaine Ruby Joy The Princess of France Sarah Afful Rosaline Ijeoma Emesowum Maria Tiffany Claire Martin Katherine Tom Rooney Holofernes Brian Tree Nathaniel Brad Rudy Dull Josue Laboucane Costard Jennifer Mogbock Jaquenetta John Kirkpatrick Boyet Gabriel Long Moth Josh Johnston Servant to Armado Shruti Kothari Servant to Armado Derek Moran French Lord Robert King Forester / Marcade 스텝 Barry Avrich Directing George Roulston Editing 윌리엄 셰익스피어 Writing John Caird Directing