크레딧 출연 Lenny Henry Antipholus of Syracuse Chris Jarman Anitpholus of Ephesus 루시안 므사마티 Dromio of Syracuse Daniel Poyser Dromio of Ephesus Claudie Blakley Adriana Michelle Terry Luciana Joseph Mydell Aegeon Pamela Nomvete Aemelia Ian Burfield Solnius Silas Carson Balthaser Amit Shah Angelo Adrian Hood Officer Jude Owusu First Merchant René Zagger Second Merchant Clare Cathcart Luce Paul Bentall Pinch Tom Anderson Solinus's Gaoler Everal Walsh Ensemble Simone Janai Parrish Ensemble Rhiannon Oliver Ensemble Marcus Adolphy Ensemble Grace Thurgood Courtesan 스텝 윌리엄 셰익스피어 Writing Dominic Cooke Directing