크레딧 출연 짐 브로드벤트 Mr. Worrall 피비 케이츠 Princess Caraboo / Mary Baker Wendy Hughes Mrs. Worrall 케빈 클라인 Frixos 존 리스고 Professor Wilkinson 스티븐 레이 Gutch Peter Eyre Lord Apthorpe Jacqueline Pearce Lady Apthorpe 로저 로이드팩 Magistrate Haythorne John Wells Reverend Hunt John Lynch Amon McCarthy John Sessions Prince Regent Arkie Whiteley Betty Kate Ashfield Ella Ewan Bailey Ship's Captain Annabel Brooks Lady Neville Anna Chancellor Mrs. Peake Rachel Fielding Mrs. Benson Anoushka Fooks Charlotte David Glover Musician Jerry Hall Lady Motley Jamie Harris Tom Peter Howell Clerk of the Court Barbara Keogh Mrs. Wilberforce Anthony Van Laast Second Dressmaker Phillip Lester Print Worker Steven Mackintosh Harold Tim McMullan Light Fingered Aristocrat Murray Melvin Lord Motley Dougray Scott Dragoon Captain Andrew Seear Mr. Peake David Sibley Harrison Ed Stobart Footman Stromboli Fire Eater Pauline Thomson First Dressmaker Jacqueline Tong Mrs. Hunt Edward Tudor-Pole Lord Neville Antonia Dauphin 스텝 Michael Austin Directing Richard Hartley Sound Les Benson Art Sam Riley Art Michael Howells Art Michael Austin Writing John Wells Writing Tom Rosenberg Production Tom Rand Costume & Make-Up George Akers Editing Sasha Schwerid Art Marc Abraham Production Nuala Conway Costume & Make-Up Simon Bosanquet Production Andrew S. Karsch Production Lucy Boulting Production Freddie Francis Camera Armyan Bernstein Production