크레딧 출연 Capt. Nikolai Shumkov Himself - Capt. Nikolai Shumkov Capt. Ryurik Ketov Himself - Capt. Ryurik Ketov Theodore Sorensen Himself - Theodore Sorensen, Special Counsel to the President Dino A. Brugioni Himself - Dino A. Brugioni, CIA Analyst Robert McNamara Himself - Robert McNamara, Secretary of Defense 1961-1968 Rudolph Rump Himself - Rudolph Rump, Radar Man, USS Blandy Capt. Charles Rozier Himself - Capt. Charles Rozier, USS Cecil Capt. Alexi Dubivko Himself - Capt. Alexi Dubivko Robert J. Tavenor Chief Petty Officer Mike Vardy Ketov (uncredited) 스텝 Christopher Dedrick Sound Jane Armstrong Directing Trevor Ambrose Crew David Bedard Writing John Crawford Crew