크레딧 출연 Frank Kress Abraham Gentry Amy Farrell Nancy Weston Hedda Lubin Marlene Henny Youngman Marzdone Mobilie Russ Badger Lt. Anderson Jackie Kroeger Suzie Cream Puff Nora Alexis Lola Prize Phil Laurenson First Policeman Frank Rice Second Policeman Corlee Bew First Go-Go Dancer Emily Mason Mary McHenry Lena Bousman Second Go-Go Dancer Marina Salli Third Go-Go Dancer Norman Dachman Master of Ceremonies Menda MacPhail Fourth Go-Go Dancer Luba Cherewchenko Fifth Go-Go Dancer Marlene Berger Pickles Ray Sager Barney the Bartender 스텝 Herschell Gordon Lewis Sound Allison Louise Downe Crew Herschell Gordon Lewis Production Herschell Gordon Lewis Directing Ray Sager Crew Herschell Gordon Lewis Crew Alan J. Dachman Writing Allison Louise Downe Directing