크레딧 출연 Sybil Thorndike Nurse Edith Cavell Ada Bodart Herself Gordon Craig Philippe Bodart Marie Ault Mme. Rappard Mickey Brantford Jacques Rappard Mary Brough Mme. Pitou Richard Worth Jean Pitou - Bargekeeper Colin Bell Widow Deveaux Dacia Deane Mme. Deveaux's Daughter Cecil Barry Col. Schultz Frank Perfitt Gen. von Zauberzweig Haddon Mason German A.P.M. Maurice Braddell British Airman Edward O'Neill Lutheran Priest Griffith Humphreys President of the Court Martial Edward Sorley German Soldier Chili Bouchier Lionel d'Aragon Boris Ranevsky 스텝 Reginald Berkeley Writing Robert Cullen Writing Clifford Pember Art Herbert Wilcox Writing Herbert Wilcox Directing Bernard Knowles Camera