크레딧 출연 제이슨 슈워츠먼 Marc Pease 안나 켄드릭 Meg Brickman 벤 스틸러 Jon Gribble Jay Paulson Gerry Cullen Moss Young Father B.J. Arnett Mrs. Pleased Jared Grimes The Wiz 에번 모스배크랙 Gavin 개브리엘 데니스 Tracey Amber Brooke Ilona Shannon Holt Debbie Austin Herring Mr. Edwards Ed Wagenseller Science Teacher Kelen Coleman Stephanie Joe Inscoe Mr. Brickman Matthew Cornwell Rick Berger Lou Criscuolo Benny Berger Shon Blotzer Jeff Bluff Debra Nelson Woman at Luncheon Bridget Gethins Craig's Mother Zachary Booth Craig Carissa Capobianco Jen Cameron Arnett Mr. Pleased Millard Darden Pascal Damien C. Haas Techie Martha Nichols Tania Patrick Stogner Freshman Stagehand Taylor Kowalski Rodney Kassie Hight The Wiz Poppy Nick Nordella Stagehand Brooke Jaye Taylor Young Mother Dikran Tulaine Mr. Zeller Pat Yeary Teacher 스텝 Jacob Koskoff Writing 토드 루이소 Directing 토드 루이소 Writing Maher Ahmad Art Julie Monroe Editing Michael London Production Peter Teschner Editing Richard Hicks Production Bruna Papandrea Production David Rubin Production Lisa Mae Fincannon Production Daniel Orlandi Costume & Make-Up Craig Fincannon Production Nan Morales Production Tim Suhrstedt Camera 크리스토프 벡 Sound Matthew Sullivan Sound