크레딧 출연 Rachel Castillo Sarah Laura Glascott Francine Diana Arone Girl at beach Lady Dwenivere Poochie Casey Dzierlenga Meg - Sloppy Poppy's Wife Kaylah Jones Little girl Monica Katzenell Other hick who gets shot running towards outhouse Gertrude Lamerod Jessica Christina Lutz Lady hick that gets stuffed down toilet Sierra Pettengill Hick That Falls from Balcony Dawn Gilkison Hick That Smashes Car Window Meghan Pochebit Doctor 1 Jon Recher Doctor 3 Roddy Piper Roddy 로이드 카우프만 Lewis Dickinson George Hardy Edwin 'Edward' R. Gophercum 스텝 Adam Deyoe Directing Eric Gosselin Writing Adam Deyoe Writing Eric Gosselin Directing Jeb Heil Writing