크레딧 출연 오슨 웰스 King Lear Natasha Parry Cordelia Arnold Moss Duke of Albany Bramwell Fletcher Earl of Kent David J. Stewart Oswald Margaret Phillips Regan Beatrice Straight Goneril Alan Badel Fool Micheál Mac Liammóir Poor Tom Frederick Worlock Earl of Gloucester Scott Forbes Duke of Cornwall Wesley Addy King of France Fred Sadoff Duke of Burgundy Lloyd Bochner First Gentleman Chris Gampel First Servant LeRoi Operti Doctor Alistair Cooke Self – Host Peter Brook Self – Director 스텝 Andrew McCullough Directing Peter Brook Writing Andrew McCullough Camera Virgil Thomson Sound 윌리엄 셰익스피어 Writing Henry May Art Gene Callahan Art Georges Wakhévitch Art