크레딧 출연 Danielle Darrieux Catherine Dolgorousky, aka 'Katia' John Loder Tsar Alexandre II of Russia Aimé Clariond Count Schowaloff Marie-Hélène Dasté Tsarina Maria Alexandrovna Jeanne Provost Mademoiselle Trépeau Marcel Carpentier General Potapoff Thérèse Dorny Baroness Marcelle Praince Grand Duchess Génia Vaury Empress Eugénie Raymond Aimos Anatole, Parisian worker Georges Prieur Chamberlain Jacques Erwin Troubetzkoï André Carnège Grand Duke Geller Pierre Labry Police sergeant Georges Flateau Emperor Napoléon III Jacqueline Dhomont Student at the boarding school Anthony Gildès Dignitary Paul Marthès Turkish ambassador Jean Aymé Robert Seller Consumer André Varennes Ivanoff Paul Demange Consumer Edouard Hemme André Numès Consumer Georges Douking Spy Paul Escoffier Doctor Pierre de Ramey Eddy Debray Louis, terrorist Marthe Mellot Supervisor at the boarding school Maurice Schutz Ginette d'Yd Lady-in-waiting Ariane Pathé Student at the boarding school Marie-Claire Student at the boarding school Cicco Germaine Michel Sidonie Marcel Simon Prince Dolgorouky Charlotte Lysès Director of the boarding school 스텝 Maurice Tourneur Directing Marthe Bibesco Writing Jacques Companéez Writing Robert Lefebvre Camera Wal-Berg Sound Jean-Jacques Bernard Writing