크레딧 출연 Ian Bonds Smart Wiseman/ Sir Arbor The First Brad Bukowsky Bay Hawaii Kelly Cavanaugh Chipper Wood-chipper Girl Stacey Eckler Impossible Girl Ellen Egger Esther McNonperson Danielle Goetzinger Gossiping Girl Coby McFaul Stew Sean O'Brien Kick Choppington Bob Rose Cheeks "Cheeks" Easton Matt Smith Self Ben Stahl Topples Branches Michael C. Stettes Professor Teachman/Sir Arbor the Not First Jeffrey Volpe Jefferson Plymouth 스텝 Ian Bonds Production Bob Rose Production Michael C. Stettes Production Ben Stahl Sound Michael C. Stettes Sound Ian Bonds Directing Bob Rose Directing Michael C. Stettes Directing Bob Rose Camera Bob Rose Editing Ian Bonds Editing Michael C. Stettes Editing Ian Bonds Writing Bob Rose Writing Michael C. Stettes Writing