크레딧 출연 스티븐 달드리 Self - Commentary, Eight (voice) Simon Ellis Self - Commentary, Telling Lies (voice) Jon Finn Self - Commentary, Eight (voice) Jim Gillespie Self - Commentary, Joyride (voice) 피터 그리너웨이 Self - Commentary, Dear Phone (voice) Charles Guard Self - Commentary, Inside-Out (voice) Thomas Guard Self - Commentary, Inside-Out (voice) Asif Kapadia Self - Commentary, The Sheep Thief (voice) Angus Lamont Self - Commentary, Joyride (voice) 마이크 리 Self - Commentary, The Short & Curlies (voice) Toby MacDonald Self - Commentary, Je t'aime John Wayne (voice) Adrian McDowall Self - Commentary, Who's My Favourite Girl ? (voice) Morag McKinnon Self - Commentary, Home (voice) Luke Morris Self - Commentary, Je t'aime John Wayne (voice) 크리스토퍼 놀란 Self - Commentary, Doodlebug (voice) Martin Parr Self - Commentary, UK Images (voice) Brian Percival Self - Commentary, About a Girl (voice) Luke Ponte Self - Commentary, Je t'aime John Wayne (voice) 스텝 Martin Parr Directing 피터 그리너웨이 Directing Morag McKinnon Directing Brian Percival Directing 리들리 스콧 Directing John Smith Directing Adrian McDowall Directing 린 램지 Directing 스티븐 달드리 Directing Simon Ellis Directing Jim Gillespie Directing Charles Guard Directing 크리스토퍼 놀란 Directing 마이크 리 Directing Toby MacDonald Directing Asif Kapadia Directing