크레딧 출연 Natalie Ward The Sister Josiah Bailey The Son Sahil Kara The Pusher Raena Soler The Girlfriend Maya Sabo The Barista Violet Calloway The Runner Persephone Yaun The Star Vanessa Huynh The Secretary Miguel Garcia The Talent Nicholas Trujillo-Goldstein Guido Kenny Gutch The Father Carter Gutch Young Son Patrick Cahil The Priest Hannah Hale The Law/Funeral Mourner Brandon Smith Bar Manager/Funeral Mourner Sadie Moore Nurse Sebastian Ibarra-Villa Bar Patron/Funeral Mourner Maximo Mamo Bar Patron Grace Callihan Bar Patron Rebecca Brown Bar Patron Audrey Neel Funeral Mourner Carlin Winkler Coffee Shop Customer Joanne Winkler Coffee Shop Customer Madison LLorente News Caster #1 스텝 Madison LLorente Directing Madison LLorente Production Madison LLorente Editing Madison LLorente Writing Madison LLorente Crew Miguel Garcia Camera Miguel Garcia Production Madison LLorente Camera Madison LLorente Camera Madison LLorente Sound Natalie Ward Sound Madison LLorente Lighting