크레딧 출연 Morfydd Clark Galadriel Charlie Vickers Halbrand 로버트 아라마요 Elrond 벤자민 워커 High King Gil-galad Charles Edwards Celebrimbor Owain Arthur Prince Durin IV Sophia Nomvete Princess Disa Peter Mullan King Durin III Lloyd Owen Elendil Maxim Baldry Isildur Cynthia Addai-Robinson Queen Regent Míriel Trystan Gravelle Pharazôn Ema Horvath Eärien Leon Wadham Kemen Ismael Cruz Cordova Arondir نازنین بنیادی Bronwyn Tyroe Muhafidin Theo Markella Kavenagh Nori Brandyfoot Daniel Weyman The Stranger Lenny Henry Sadoc Burrows Megan Richards Poppy Proudfellow Dylan Smith Largo Brandyfoot Sara Zwangobani Marigold Brandyfoot Joseph Mawle Adar Jed Brophy Vrath / Additional Orcs Phil Grieve Bazur Edward Clendon Grugzûk Luke Hawker Magrot Geoff Morrell Waldreg Bridie Sisson The Dweller Edith Poor The Nomad Kali Kopae The Ascetic Will Fletcher Finrod Fabian McCallum Thondir Amelie Child-Villiers Young Galadriel Kip Chapman Rían Alex Tarrant Valandil Anthony Crum Ontamo Ken Blackburn Tar-Palantir Jason Hood Tamar Antonio Te Maioha Sail Master Ella Hope-Higginson Mairen Thusitha Jayasundera Malva Beau Cassidy Dilly Brandyfoot Augustus Prew Médhor Simon Merrells Watchwarden Revion Peter Tait Tredwill Ian Blackburn Rowan 스텝 Wayne Che Yip Directing Justin Doble Writing Gennifer Hutchison Writing J. R. R. 톨킨 Writing Patrick McKay Crew John D. Payne Writing Charlotte Brändström Directing John D. Payne Crew Stephany Folsom Writing Gennifer Hutchison Production Christopher Newman Production Kate Hazell Production Laurie Rose Crew Patrick McKay Writing Jason Cahill Writing Eugene Kelly Production Callum Greene Production Patrick McKay Production Jason Cahill Production Wayne Che Yip Production Rick Heinrichs Art Charlotte Brändström Production Bernat Vilaplana Editing 후안 안토니오 바요나 Production Bryan Cogman Production Bear McCreary Sound Karin Galstian Production John D. Payne Production Lindsey Weber Production Belén Atienza Production Helen Shang Production Theo Park Production Nicholas Adams Writing Bruce Richmond Production Jean-Philippe Gossart Crew Cheryl Potter Editing Aaron Morton Crew Stefan Grube Editing Stephany Folsom Production Jochen Fitzherbert Editing Ramsey Avery Art Kristian Milsted Art Ron Ames Production Justin Doble Production Jake Rice Production Jaume Martí Editing Sharon Tal Yguado Production Howard Shore Sound Alex Disenhof Crew 후안 안토니오 바요나 Directing Óscar Faura Camera