Details 첫방송 2019-06-28 시즌 Ended 장르 범죄, 다큐멘터리, 미스터리 자막 영어, 한글 줄거리 잘못된 과학 수사로 범죄자가 된 사람들이 있다. 훼손된 DNA와 시신을 찾지 못한 시체 탐지견에 의해 유죄를 선고받은 이들. 실제 범죄를 다룬 이 시리즈에서 만나본다.
크레딧 출연 Martin Grimes Self - The Canine Expert Arthur Young Self - The DNA Expert David Rossi Self - The Prosecution Expert Grant Fredericks Self - The Video Expert Kanika Jones Self - The Mother Norma Jean Clark Self - The Suspect George Powell III Self - The Suspect Izzy Fried Self - The Defense Lawyer Taj Patterson Self - The Victim Shalyn Halvey Self - The Ex-Wife Terry Johnson Self - The Lawyer Leah Phillips Self - The Best Friend Giovanni Powell Self - The Son Sarah Wood Self - The Appeals Attorney Chris Snipes Self - The Instructor Eric Sanchez Self - The Detective Elsie P. Self - The Motel Manager Sinsane Self - The Friend Neal Davis Self - The Trial Attorney Mayer Herskovic Self - The Suspect Doree Donovan Self - The Student Tom Bevel Self - The Defense Expert Michael Ware Self - The Attorney Jessica Goldthwaite Self - The Public Defender Niki Gibbs Self - The Witness Gregg Tribble Self - The Juror Sherri Rose Self - The Witness Donna Aldea Self - The Appeals Attorney Lynn Garcia Self - The Commissioner Michael Knox Self - The Prosecution's Expert Tamara Parsons Self - The Pen Pal Andrew Stoll Self - The Civil Rights Attorney Zahra Patterson Self - The Mother 스텝 No registered data. We'll register soon.